

About me:

Dogs have accompanied me in my life since childhood. The first purebred dog – medium Black Poodle – became a member of our family when I was 12 years old. Next was a female German Shepherd, followed by a Chihuahua breed.

I got my first female in 1988 and since then Chihuahuas have been a part of my life. I´ve been engaged in active breeding for 25 years. In 2016, a female Flat Coated Retriever became another member of our family.

Since 1990, I ´ve worked in the commitee, and in the years 1999-2009, I was the chairman of the Club of breeders of Chihuahuas, Peruvian Hairless dogs  and Chinese Crested dogs. As a delegate  of  the 1st General  Assembly  of the CMKU in 1992, I  was elected to the supervizory board of CMKU. In the years 1999 – 2007, I held the position of vice president of CMKU.

In 1996, I became a judge for Chihuahua, Chinese Crested dogs, and Peruvian Hairless dogs. In the following years,  I gradually expanded to other FCI breeds and groups, and since 2019 I am judging all FCI breeds. I had the honor to judge at several European and World Dog Shows. I judged in 22 European countries.

Cynology has become and is a part of my live and is my lifelong hobby.

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