Only dogs with valid FCI recognized pedigrees can be entered to the show.

Dogs which have been neutered, sick dogs as well as females that are heavily pregnant or whelping are excluded from the show.

Dogs should be vaccinated against rabies and should have an international health certificate (PET PASSPORT).

otherwise they will not be allowed to approach the show premises.

Dogs which are declared Croatian champions and Croatian Show Champion must be shown in champion class on all shows in Croatia, except for dogs that can be in the veteran class. Exception for WDS and connected dog shows: dogs declared CH HR or CH I HR can compete in other classes.

Dogs with cropped ears and/or docked tails can not participate on shows, with the exclusion of hunting dogs.

Only purebred dogs which are at least 4 months old and regularly vaccinated are allowed to participate in the show.

Dogs whose owners have a permanent residence in the Republic of Croatia may be exhibited only if they have been registered in the Croatian Stud Book of purebreed dogs. Dogs owned by foreign citizens may be exhibited only if they have been registered in one of the stud books recognized by the FCI.



- If they are not registered in one of the FCI recognized stud books

- If they have not been entered for the show, as well as those brought to the show as a substitute for ones entered but not brought to the show.

- If they are not entered in the show catalog.

- If they have contracted some contagious disease, subjected to unpermitted artificial changes, neutered or sterilized, dogs that have deficiencies in testicles and bitches that are heavily pregnant or whelping.

- Dogs with cropped ears and/or docked tails can not participate on shows, with the exclusion of hunting dogs.





The owner of the dog is responsible for any kind of damage caused by his/her dog.

 The organizer of the show is not responsible for any damage or loss of the dog (stolen, disappeared, etc.)





One can not complain on the qualifi cation given by the judge, but complaint can be accepted if there was an error in the judging procedure made by the organizer, the judge himself or exhibitors. 

The complaint is immediately handed to the Show Committee for Complaints which should make the decision before the closure of the show, according to the Regulations of the HKS and FCI.





Until the last deadline of entries (10.03.2024.) it is possible to make changes and cancellations from the shows and refunds are possible minus the admin costs of Onlinedogshows.
After the last deadline, it is not possible to make any changes to the entries (registrations, cancellations, changes) and it is not possible to refund money or transfer money to another exhibition.

If you have any debts towards Croatian kennel club (previous shows, etc.), you will have to settle them before the shows, otherwise you will not be able to show the dogs.


Izlagati se mogu psi koji posjeduju rodovnicu priznatu od FCI.


Isključeni su psi oboljeli od zaraznih bolesti, na kojima su izvedene nedozvoljene promjene, kastrirani i sterilizirani psi, psi s manjkavostima na testisima, ženke koje su vidljivo skotne.


Psi moraju biti cijepljeni protiv bjesnoće shodno zakonu, a bez knjižice o cijepljenju i ostalih traženih veterinarskih potvrda neće biti pušteni na izložbeni prostor.


Psi koji su proglašeni za “Prvaka Hrvatske” i “Izložbenog prvaka Hrvatske” moraju se natjecati obavezno u razredu prvaka, osim za pse koji mogu biti u razredu veterana. Iznimka za WDS i povezane izložbe: Psi proglašeni za CH HR ili CH I HR se mogu natjecati i u ostalim razredima.


Zabranjeno je izlaganje pasa s kupiranim ušima i repovima, osim lovačkih pasa.


U pravilu, izloženi mogu biti samo čistokrvni psi, koji su na dan izložbe navršili najmanje 4 mjeseca te su redovno cijepljeni.

Psi čiji vlasnici imaju stalno boravište u Republici Hrvatskoj mogu biti izloženi samo ako su upisani u hrvatsku rodovnu knjigu čistokrvnih pasa. 

Psi uzgojeni u inozemstvu i oni u vlasništvu stranih državljana mogu biti izloženi samo ako su upisani u jednu od FCI-a priznatih rodovnih knjiga.


- Psi koji nisu upisani ni u jednu od FCI-a priznatu rodovnu knjigu;

- Psi koji nisu prijavljeni za izložbu, kao ni psi koji bi bili dovedeni kao zamjena za prijavljenog, ali ne izloženog psa;

- Psi koji nisu uneseni u katalog;

- Psi oboljeli od zaraznih bolesti, na kojima su izvedene nedozvoljene promjene, kastrirani i sterilizirani psi, psi s manjkavostima na testisima, ženke koje su vidljivo skotne;


Vlasnik psa na izložbi odgovara za svaku štetu koju prouzroči njegov pas. Organizator ne preuzima nikakvu odgovornost za štete ili gubitke pasa na izložbi (krađa, nestanak i sl.).


Svaka sudačka odluka je konačna i protiv nje nije dopušten prigovor. Ako je učinjena formalna nepravilnost čiji je krivac organizator, Sudac ili natjecatelj moguć je prigovor. O prigovoru odlučuje na licu mjesta komisija koju imenuje organizator, a shodno Pravilniku o stručnom radu HKS-a.


Do zadnjeg roka prijava (10.03.2024.) moguće je raditi promjene i odjave s izložbi te je moguć povrat uplaćene upisnine, umanjen za administrativne troškove Onlinedogshows.

Nakon završnog roka prijavi nije moguće raditi bilo kakve promjene po prijavama (prijave, odjave, promjene) te nije moguć povrat novaca ili prijenos novaca na neku drugu izložbu.

Ako imate bilo kakvih dugovanja prema HKS-u (prijašnje izložbe itd.), morat ćete ih podmiriti prije izložbe, u protivnome nećete moći izlagati.