About me:
Born into a family where animals took pride of place, from a very early age I was always surrounded by four-legged friends and mostly by our pet Pointers and Poodles.
As soon my finances permitted, I bought my first show dog it was a boxer and I was quickly smitten by the idea of starting a small kennel and that was when the "Vilfloriane" affix was created. Shih tzu, then King Charles and Cavaliers King Charles spaniels become my life. I bred many champions mainly Charlies and Cavaliers.
Thus started a passion that was to influence the rest of my life, not always I might add with the family's approval as dogs tend to take over your whole existence. They can take you around the world, first as an exhibitor and then as a judge. I judge all over the world and ice on the cake my breed at Crufts.
Although my first breed, the King Charles, will always hold a special place in your heart, I have developed a passion for all breeds. It has now become impossible not to feel a thrill when I am standing in front of an outstanding exhibit whatever the breed.