About me:
Breeder, judge, kennel Magic Sonet
My first dog was Dalmatian and I stay big fan for this breed till now. But as a breeder, I am loyal to shar pei, since I saw my first female as a puppy. It is almost 30 years. They have a place in our house forever. In breeding, I have very strict focus on a health and as well as for nice exterior. New owners become our family friends. Always I try to be with them and help as much as possible. I am happy; they repeatedly come back and enjoy puppies from our kennel.
I was honored to judge a lot of shows. Not possible to count the total number. Because I have large experiences as a breeder, a judge and an exhibitor, I understand all sides of “the coin”. With love and respect to the breeds, owners and exhibitors, I have judged a big specialty shows in many countries, many international, national shows cross Europe, European shows and World dog shows.
In privet life I am working as a marketing director. I love gardening, DIY, photography and reading of non-fiction literature. But I prefer to be in my garden with my beloved dogs….