About me:
I was grown up with dogs of different breeds, the first I remember was a shepherd-mix, followed by Pudel, Fox-Terrier, Irish Setter and Teckel.
My aunt bred longhair Teckel very successfully and during my schooldays I accompanied her in shows and at that time I was infected with the show virus.
In 1970 I got my first Cocker Spaniel which died early. Cocker Spaniel are flushing dogs and therefore I did the test for the hunting license and handled all my dogs as gun dogs in field and wood. As first Austrian I imported a Field Spaniel, which did a very successful show career, as well as the Podengo Pequeno Portuge I imported from Portugal.
In 1975 I became a member of the Austrian Spaniel Club and supported the committee nearly 25 years, fulfilling different tasks (treasurer, secretary, breeding manager, chairman). I was also a member of the ÖKV committee and now since many years a member in the advisory board.
Since 2012 I am president for the Austrian Toycluband and also responsible for the breeding for our breeds.
1988 I started as show judge for all Spaniel breeds of the FCI-group VIII, expanded my judging profile for more and more breeds until 2009 I got the permission to judge all breeds. As an allrounder I judged all around the globus and I have the opportunity still learning about all breeds.
At the moment there is a Labrador Retriever in our home, who keeps my husband very busy.
We had the big Iuck that all our dogs have been very successful in the showring and got the title of different Champions.
I am very thankful to my husband for his support in my cynological activities.
My device: “a life without a dog is no life”