

About me:

Born in Bogotá, Colombia. Licenced in education and administration.
Is currently the Headmistress at Clermont Bilingual School in Bogotá.
Married to Mr. Juan Alberto Grillo Londoño, who also shares the hobby of breeding pure
breed dogs.
In 1990, along with her husband, founded the Santana Kennel, which has bred and
exhibited around 85 national and international champions.
Their most representative breeds have been: Chinese Crested Dog, Pug, Shit-tzu, Standard
Dachshund, Beagle, Pomeranian, Shiba-Inu, Color and White Bull Terrier, Yorkshire
Terrier, Fila Brasilero, Napolitan and Basset Hound
With their Pomeranian “Grafenhorst Diamond Chip”, they received the Best National Dog
award in the Ranking on 2002, with 15 Best in Show and in 2011 with an adult Pom and
with a junior Standard Dachshund.
She proudly owns the first adult and junior dogs in the Ranking 2011.
Co-founder of the “Sabana Kennel Club” in Bogotá on 1997, and worked as vicepresident,
secretary and show director.
Currently works as show director and head of the public relations committee.
Is an active member of the main Kennel Club in Colombia (Asociación Club Canino
Is the representative from Colombia at the FCI Show Commissions since 2007.
Also works in the Colombian Kennel Association as member of the public relations
committee with the general organization of the Americas and Caribbian dog show in
Bogotá, march 2016 and with the general workshops and education for new judges,
handlers and children. Is one of the members of the disciplinary committee of the
Colombian Kennel Club.
She has been invited to judge many all breed and groups specialties in Colombia and all
general breed shows in Argentina, Uruguay, Ecuador, Brasil, Costa Rica, Bolivia, Perú,
Chile, Guatemala, Nicaragua, Dominican Republic, El Salvador, Venezuela, United States
of America, Sicalam 2016 in Lima-Perú, Mexico, Canada, Russia, Luxemburg, Lithuania,
Latvia, Netherlands, Portugal, Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Ireland, Hungary, France, Italy,
Spain, Croatia, San Marino, Bosnia, Philipines, India, China and Taiwan. She was judging
in the World Dog Show in Amsterdam 2018 and will judge in the WDS in Geneve
(Switzerland) in 2023. Also at the European Dog Show in Budapest 2021 and Herning
(Denmark) on 2023
Lately she is importing American and European multi champion dogs of breeds not very
common in Colombia to introduce those in the shows.

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